Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Harry Potter Movie Trailer

The New Harry Potter movie trailer (July) has hit the web. Love me some Potter. These movies could go down as the best series of all time - ?! Each one a pretty good movie. AND, no Jar-Jar!

Full Wolverine Trailer

I love Wolverine in all his many manifestations. I think Hugh does a pretty good job, despite some lackluster scripts and PG-13 ratings. Unless this one gets totally DESTROYED by reviewers, I'll see this opening weekend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The 3rd Terminator Salvation trailer is online.  I'm extremely excited for this one.  The Terminator franchise is one of my favorites, though they have been getting progressively worse.  This one looks stupendous.  Technology has come a long way since the T-1000 mimentic poly-alloy deal.  Knives and stabbing weapons!  Take a gander . . .