Wednesday, December 31, 2008


If you liked Crank (which I did), Crank II looks apeshit crazy. How many ways can they figure out to make poor Chelios crank his heart up? Take a look at this teaser/trailer. If you don't care for the f'bomb, don't watch it . . . NSFW.

Chelios (Jason Statham) faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.

Monday, December 29, 2008

My men are not expendable. And I don't do this kind of work.

So, recently word on the street is that the Stallone-i-nator is crafting up a new movie called "The Expendables".  Notable dudes already mentioned as part of the cast include:  Jet Li, Jason Stathan, Forest Whittaker and Dolph Lundgren.  Too bad the Gov. of CA has a day-job.  What about a Chuck cameo?

Anyhow, some dude at Ain't It Cool News has read the preliminary script.  Sounds good.  I'll be there!

9 9 9

A new film by the Burtonmeister.  I'm usually not on board with his wacky stuff, but this looks pretty good.

Run that by me again?

I'm not quite sure what this is all about.  However, Bus and I are on board . . . 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wolverine: I Will Eviscerate You

The new Wolvie trailer hit theatres with the new Bill & Ted movie (something about aliens and robots) this past weekend. I had heard it was an awful trailer (forecasting an awful movie), but it doesn't look that bad to me. Doesn't look T4 yummy, granted . . .

See for yourself:

Friday, December 12, 2008

DVD Review: Tropic Thunder — How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Dentist

Interior, day.  Dentist office.  Swanky set-up, I can tell you.  Perky hygienist takes me back to a plush mauve chair, blinds open to a view of a peaceful woodland scene.  They've installed new, big flat-screens for the patients to watch movies while they're worked on.  

"What'll it be?  We've got most of the new releases?"

Let's see, hmmm.  Something to take my mind off the smell of burning enamel and a high-pitched screaming drill.  Something funny?

"Say, do you have Tropic Thunder?"

"Theatre or Un-Rated version?"

"Ratings are for wimps, let's go hard!" 

Leaning back, relaxed.  Love Stiller flicks: Mary, Dodgeball, Polly, Starsky, Night Museum . . . you get it.  The Downey  rocks.  Jack Black?  That's how I roll!  Opening credits . . . Hygienist comes back.  

"We're going to give you something to numb you up."

"Oh, okay.  Sure."  Back to the movie.  What is that, a nitrous max?  Nice.  Novocain too?  Super.

Trying to focus on the movie.  I'm laughing, tired, so tired, can't keep eyes open.  Hygienist is back.  A bunch of other people too.  My lids lose the battle to stay open.  "Yeah, he's out, WAY out," registers just before I go away.

Interior, time of day unk, dark, flashing lights, loud music, general cacophony.

Something has awakened me.  Music blaring.  What?  Not Tropic Thunder on the t.v. anymore.  What is that?  Rammstein Live Aus Berlin maybe?  Disturbing.  Fire, leather, sweaty mean pumping out monstrous metal chords . . . I shake my head.   Ball-gag in mouth.  I'm groggy.

I blink and blink, trying to clear my vision.  I go to wipe my dewy brow, Ah!, can't move my arms.  Shackled?  Strapped down?  Naked!  My  legs are stirruped, spread wide, high in the air.  Baby sweet Jesus!  Something else, pain in my ratatouille.  Something metal glimmering, and maybe dried blood?  My frenulum is pierced!  I've been Prince Albert'd!  

Sobbing now, afraid to cry too loud.  Fight the stirrups and straps that bind me.  Trying to call forth some kind of Steve Rogers' strength and courage to break free.

4 or 5 people enter.  Strips of black, shiny leather accentuate their nakedness.  They are oiled, excited and earthy . . . Something big, shiny, gleaming and tubular . . . The sound of lube squirting into the air . . . Wha-wha-what!?  But only muffled sounds make it past the ball-gag.

Rammstein plays on, wildly - Bück Dich - mocking me . . . taunting me . . . 

Bück dich - befehl ich dir
Wende dein antlitz ab von mir
Dein gesicht ist mir egal
Bück dich

"Sheee-it!  He's awake!"

The nitrous masks descends, I thrash my head back and forth to no avail . . .

Exterior.  Day, morning?  Alley.  

I awake with a start.  I'm so sore, everywhere, more so in some places.  Hot shame colors my cheeks.  Still naked.  Raw, itchy pain on my arm.  A half-man half-goat tattoo (satyr?) - a nice one - stares up at me from my right bicep.  I can almost hear the jaunty tune he's playing on his pan flute . . .

I cobble together an outfit of cardboard and newspapers.  A local transient stares at me in bewilderment from the lee side of a dumpster.  I go up to him and brace him against the alley wall.

"What day is it?  The date!"
"12th . . . December . . . Friday . . ."
"What year!"

4 days . . . gone, like that.  The psychological damage irreparable.  I wonder if I had only chosen a different movie to watch, would that have mattered?  The hardest thing is deciding what I should tell you and what not to. Well, anyway, I've  got a while yet before you're old enough to understand the tapes. They're more for me at this point . . . to help get it all straight. Should I tell you about your father? That's a tough one. Will it change your decision to send him here . . . knowing? But if you don't send Kyle, you could never be. God, you can go crazy thinking about all this . . . I suppose I'll tell you . . . I owe him that. And maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth. 

In the end, for closure's sake, I watched Tropic Thunder from start to finish.  Between bouts of wild vomiting and seizures I decided I didn't really like it much.  It was a bit over-hyped, not as uproariously funny as I had hoped.  A few chuckles here and there but not worth going through what I did to finally see it.  Very predictable & cliched.  I recognize what they were trying to do and I can even see why critics and the viewing audience may have liked this one. 

Will I still go see Night at the Museum II next year?  Bet on it.  And Iron Man II: Cure for Rust will be awesome.  And I'll be first in line for School of Rock Part Deux.  But for some reason, despite the fact that I logically should have loved this movie and in spite of the phenomenal ensemble cast, I probably won't even pause to check this one out while surfing the telly.

I am in a perpetual state of full retard . . .

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

But this is not the future my mother warned me about . . .

Initially when word of T4 hit the streets I was mighty skeptical.  The first Terminator is one of my favorite movies, if not my all-time favorite.  T2 was great (though Furlong grates on me).  T3 was seriously MEH.

Then we get a whiff of T4 with someone named "McG" at the helm.  Huh?  Didn't he direct those awesome Charlie's Angels movies (gag)?  And then word hits us that Christian Bale is going to play John Connor?  Wha-huh?  Wow, this could be tasty . . . And the teaser looked good . . .

A new trailer has hit the 'Net.  And it looks really, really good . . . Needless to say, I am all aflutter . . .  Oh yeah, and there's a confirmed mini-gun sighting!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gran Torino — Under the Radar

Gran Torino, another Eastwood offering for 2008, is slated to open 12/12 (limited release).  It's the story of an angry, defiant and bigoted Korean War vet who gets involved in a dispute between his Asian neighbors and some angry thugs/agitators.  The title of the movie is taken from his beloved Gran Torino car, which he probably loves more than the rest of humanity.

I celebrate Clint's entire catalog (sigh), and he's been Oscar Gold of late.  I've watched the trailer a few times and it's kind of grown on me.  If I had to predict:  we'll see a crankly Clint warm to his neighbors, step in to help, throw down some lethal lead and then finish with a dramatic and heroic death scene . . .

Whatchyou lookin' at old man?
Ever notice how you come across somebody once in awhile that you should'na messed with?  That's me . . .

I'm going to try this again . . . used to do this on MySpace . . . then a bit on Whale's blog . . . then at FilmStrippers . . . Decided to run solo . . . invited some other hombres to join in the fun. 

Here we are again bros . . .  Just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember . . . Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat . . . We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch . . . Not a fuckin' scratch. You know who ever got you. They'll come back again. And when he does I'm gonna cut your name right into him . . . I'M GONNA CUT YOUR NAME RIGHT INTO HIM! 

Movie reviews.  New movies.  Old movies, from the vault.  DVDs.  Reviews from guys who love movies and will tell it like it is . . . diverging viewpoints . . . Blockbuster and Indie love unite . . . SLATER!!!!!!

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!