Wednesday, December 10, 2008

But this is not the future my mother warned me about . . .

Initially when word of T4 hit the streets I was mighty skeptical.  The first Terminator is one of my favorite movies, if not my all-time favorite.  T2 was great (though Furlong grates on me).  T3 was seriously MEH.

Then we get a whiff of T4 with someone named "McG" at the helm.  Huh?  Didn't he direct those awesome Charlie's Angels movies (gag)?  And then word hits us that Christian Bale is going to play John Connor?  Wha-huh?  Wow, this could be tasty . . . And the teaser looked good . . .

A new trailer has hit the 'Net.  And it looks really, really good . . . Needless to say, I am all aflutter . . .  Oh yeah, and there's a confirmed mini-gun sighting!

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